The PCIE device cannot be identified. Procedure
Mar 04, 2024
I have a device with PCIE interface. After I load it to Xavier, it is wrong. I am using “lspci-vvv” to check the PCIE card status, and the two bar space addresses are not allocated correctly. unassigned> ".
I’m going to ignore this problem and I’ll compile my source code into a *. Ko file and then apply “insmod” to load the driver.The driver can be loaded properly, but the sample program cannot be run because of the state of the PCIE interface.

I use “dmesg” to see the information that comes with installing the driver. I’ve read “cant’ enable device: Bar 0 [mem 0x00000000-0x000fffff] not claimed”. This is a deadly problem.

The PCIE card chip is SmartFusion2 SoC FPGA PCIe.