ORIN NX 16G(jetpack 5.1.1) tegra194-pcie 140c0000.pcie: Phy link never came up
While using PCIe C9, the following error occurred. Can you tell me the reason?
0125-com30.log (113.5 KB)
I did some things to configure the PCIe’s C9.
Step one:
modify the file p3767.conf.common
Step two:
add to device-tree
pcie@141e0000 { /* C7x1 node */
status = “okay”;
phys = <&p2u_gbe_0>;
phy-names = “p2u-0”;
pcie@140c0000 { /* C9x1 */
status = “okay”;
phys = <&p2u_gbe_1>;
phy-names = “p2u-0”;
cat ./pcie@140c0000/status
the value is okay, so I believe the device tree modification has taken effect.
step three:

I have modified the four pins related to PEX9 and generated three device tree files.replace it with the following document.
step four:
After the overall compilation, replace the generated arch//dts/nvid replace the generated arch/arm64/boot/dts/nvidia/* with Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/*