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PCIe errors on boot with Jetpack 5.1

Mar 04, 2024

Hi, I have a samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB M.2 NVMe drive connected to a pcie switch as an endpoint with only Xavier NX as a host. I am getting pcie AER Uncorrected errors and I see the device listed in lspci with Unknown Header 7f. Can you please let me know how can I resolve this error and work with the nvme device successfully?

I have already tried options like pci_aspm=off pci=noaer in extlinux.conf file and seeing similar results with no errors on dmesg.

I have already tried connecting the same NVMe to a devkit directly and it works fine there. The problem comes in picture if I have a pcie switch connected.

I am attaching dmesg and lspcie output.

Thanks a lot in advance.
lspci.txt (17.0 KB)
dmesg_log.txt (78.0 KB)