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JetPack-5.0 PCIe Switch Does Not Transmit MSI Interrupts

Mar 04, 2024

Hello everyone,

We are using a PCIe switch (Diodes PI7C9X2G608GP) with Gigabit Ethernet IC (Microchip lan7430) to have multiple Gigabit Ethernet on AGX Xavier.

We are using them without any errors on JetPack-4.6.x versions. However, this system does not work on JetPack-5.0.2. We can see the devices on lspci output. However, after debugging in detail we understood that the MSI interrupts are not correctly transmitted when there is a switch.

On AGX Xavier Dev. Kit, we confirmed the Ethernet IC (lan7430) is working (without this PCIe switch). So we are suspicious that in the new kernel version there is a change that effects functionalty of PCIe switch.

If you can help us to fix this issue, we will be very happy.