Customizing the PCIe for custom carrier board
Mar 04, 2024
I’m configuring the UPHY lanes for a custom carrier board. This carrier board has a PCIe x2 device connected and the USB ports remain unchanged.
According to “Jetson AGX Orin Series Product Design Guide” the Orin has the following configuration:

My M.2 Key M occupies the UPHY_TX/RX 2-5
How can I assign those pins to the M.2 Key’s device?
I read at “Jetson AGX Xavier Platform Adaptation and Bring-Up Guide - UPHY Lane Assignment” that that is possible for the AGX Xavier platform. But I wanted to know how to do that customization (assigning those pins M2. Key M) for the Orin.
If it is, is there any example as the one for the Xavier that I can follow?
Maybe something like this (this is a USB use case) but for PCIe: