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PCie SMMU issue: Unhandled context fault

Mar 04, 2024

Hi NVpepole

I have got the following error when I insmod a wifi driver :

3,7381,1840194478,-;arm-smmu 8000000.iommu: Unhandled context fault: fsr=0x80000402, iova=0xffe66100, fsynr=0x7d0013, cbfrsynra=0x1008, cb=4
3,7382,1840207288,-;mc-err: unknown mcerr fault, int_status=0x00000000, ch_int_status=0x00000000, hubc_int_status=0x00000000 sbs_int_status=0x00000000, hub_int_status=0x00000000

Could you tell me how can I solve this?