Unable to get into the system after wizard configuration
Hi. We been having issues with trying to add CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM=n to tegra_defconfig
when following the endpoint tutorial found in PCIe Endpoint Mode — Jetson Linux Developer Guide documentation. We were able to be flashed it successful when adding it into the tegra_defconfig, but after we finish doing the wizard configuration, the system is not able to reboot and enter the operating system (loading on the default linux background). We did try using previous version of the bsp to see if it works, but it results in the same thing. We also did try to follow the xavier series’s solution (Recompile the kernel without any changes to source files causes errors), but we end up reaching some unknown mnemoic entry and endproc error. Is there a step by step way for us to reboot it again successful. Our other device is using ubtuntu 20.04.