NVIDIA AGX Xavier Developer kit PCIe NIC card
Mar 04, 2024
I faced a problem with my Jetson when I was using a PCIe NIC card PEG6i v.1.2. Here is the link to my NIC card specs: Silicom Ltd. | EOL - PEG6I. I would like to use it in full duplex 1000Mb/s, but in jetson when I’m using “ifconfig” it is just detected as 4 ports. So I have 5 ports from eth0(built in) and eth1-4 from my NIC. Before I connected my eth0 to a network, my NIC card(eth1-4) had 3 1000Mb/s speed and 1 100Mb/s. But, after connecting eth0 to the network, my NIC card only had 2 1000Mb/s speed and the other was 100Mb/s. My question is:
Is there any limitation on how many ports that Xavier could approach?. Because in NIC card specs, it shows all ports are full duplex.
Thank you.