AGX Endpoint PCIe DMA speed
We follow below website patch test AGX endpoint mode pcie speed with DMA.
AGX change endpoint mode insert to x86 PCIe x4 slot , follow website run “cat write” and “cat read” test on x86 platfom.
DMA Write: 536870912 bytes / 75674797 ns = 7.0944 GBytes/sec
DMA Read : 536870912 bytes / 136540673 ns = 3.9319 GBytes/sec
The upstream speed of PCIe is obviously nearly twice as slow as the Downstream speed, not reaching the theoretical speed it should be.
Considering resource scheduling, it will take some time before it is possible to verify that the conditions are the same with DevKit.
But in the past, when Devkit tested with endpoint over ethernet mode, the speed of transferring data from AGX to x86 was also significantly slower than the speed of transferring data from x86 to AGX.
Could you please give me some advice, or is there any possibility to adjust the speed in AGX PCIe Device Tree?

Best Regards
Jack Land